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  1. Jacqueline says:

    Wow, you certainly captured Rockport’s beauty and charm. I’ve lived here for over 40 years and never get tired of the amazing landscape, views, shops and galleries. Thank you for sharing our little “gem”of a town with the world.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I love Rockport!! Good friends of ours moved there a couple of years ago and it’s improved their quality of life a 1000%!!!

  2. Janet Goodwin says:

    My husband was from Gloucester & every year when we visited there, Rockport was a must see visit. It is dear to this Wisconsin girls heart. Our last visit was 1990. Your pictures bring back fond memories. Thank you.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I’m so glad Janet! It’s such a pretty spot! I have good friends that bought a house there and they are so happy and enjoying life by the water!

  3. What a fabulous place to visit! I’m so glad you shared it with us. I’d love to feature it on my Saltwater Sounds post this Sunday.

  4. Looks like
    So much fun! I love New England. I’m so excited to see you this week.

  5. Looks like an amazing day trip! I think you’ll have to meet Big Al and I there for a scallop dinner! 💛

  6. Jeanine Kesey says:

    Your post is so timely. My husband and I are planning a 10 day trip the end of August and we will be touring the coastal towns from Portland MA to Boston and then over to Vermont. We are from West Texas so it will be a dramatic change in scenery for us.