The Weekly Rewind is my online magazine where I get to share some behind-the-scenes goings-on, new projects I’m working on, and links that I saw during the week that I think you will love (because I did!).
Weekly Rewind
The first week of August did not disappoint! It’s been the perfect Summer week here in New Hampshire, sunny and in the 70ºs!!
After a ridiculously rainy first half of the Summer, the sun has been a welcome friend around here! My sad, sad garden has perked up a bit.
This week one of my favorite flowers to grow has started blooming. Sunfill Purple Sunflowers are such a cool flower to add to your garden.
I just love their pretty little faces! After enjoying them this week I will dry the flowers to use this Fall in my decorating. Last year I added them to my Fall Garden Wreath.
Have you ever grown artichokes?? The plants are from my local farm stand where I buy my tomato and pepper plants too. I grew them last year and just loved how the foliage looked in my cottage garden beds, even though I didn’t get any artichoke flowers.
But just look at this show-off! There was just one artichoke when I looked the other day and today there were 3! I’ve read that in cold climates like mine (5b-6a) I can cut back the plant and then overwinter in the basement to plant again next year and it will produce even more artichokes the second year.
After starting off this garden season with very high hopes for my cut flower garden…it hasn’t gone as planned. The heavy and almost daily rain for June & part of July has drowned most of the seeds that I planted. Hopefully what is growing can rally and close out this garden season strong.
But I cracked up when I saw this single teeny zinnia flowering among the 100s of seeds I planted. It’s only about 4 inches tall and the size of a buttercup. Sometimes no matter how small you are you just want your moment to shine!!
Sage Farm Antiques
This weekend was also the Sage Farm August show. Sage Farm has a monthly 3-day show and it’s always fun to poke around! You never know what you will find.
But sadly I got there about 5 minutes too late because someone scooped up these cool garden mushrooms right before we got there!! Oooh, I can’t stop thinking about them…they were about 2 ft tall and the cute mushroom caps moved with the wind!! Wouldn’t they have looked so adorable in the garden??
What I love about shows like this is that you have to take your time and look in every nook and cranny for hidden gems!
I didn’t even see this hanging wall basket on my first pass by, but on my way to check out I saw it. It’s really big, maybe too big to hang on my front door. I was thinking of either hanging it on the house outside my front door filled with Autumn branches or on the wall in my dining area...we will see.
So, I ended up leaving with 2 grapevine orbs for $6.50 each, the wall basket, and a couple of pieces of interesting driftwood that I am going to use for my air plants.
Sage Farm Antiques 5 Exeter Rd. North Hampton, NH
Here is the 2023 Events Calender
Fresh Ideas For You
Here are all of the fresh ideas on the website for you to check out!
Lobster Cobb Salad
Do you like lobster?? One of the best things about living in New England is our access to fresh off the boat lobsters all the time!!
Check out my idea for making a Lobster Cobb Salad. It’s a fun alternative to the traditional Cobb and looks so pretty on your table! Not to mention that it’s delicious!!
Coastal Holiday Wreath
Getting a jump on the holiday season as part of Christmas in July with some of my friends. I added a new DIY wreath for you to try this winter for my coastal loving readers. It’s pretty and combines whites and greens for a simple and beautiful look.
Felt Leaf Garland
My first new DIY project for Fall is here! This Felt Leaf Garland has such a soft and cozy look and combines 10 neutral colors. Plus, it was pretty easy to make! We love easy projects, don’t we??
DIY Fall Wreaths
I’ve gathered up all of the best DIY Fall wreath ideas and put them in one spot for you to find. I think I covered every decorating style from cottage to boho…you are sure to find one you want to make for your front door this Autumn!
Trending This Week
With Summer starting to wind down it will soon be time to cut and dry those hydrangeas from your garden. You have to try my Easy Way To Dry Hydrangeas to get the best-looking dried flowers that you can add to your Autumn decorating.
Learn 4 Ways to Dry Flowers
easy techniques to try
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure policy here.
Looking for a new rug?
Check out these on-trend options that are affordable too! A new area rug can change the entire vibe of your room.
Links You’ll Love
Garden Help
Deer can really do a number on your garden.
Check out the 7 Best Deer Repellents to help deter these visitors to your garden.
Fall finds
Save yourself time and check out the fab Fall florals and wreaths that Jen from Midwest Life & Style curated.
She found some lovely options to decorate your home with this Autumn.
DIY Idea
Oh, I love this DIY project from Rachel at The Ponds Farmhouse.
The organic oyster shells and the wood beads work together so well!
eye candy
Take a virtual tour of this lovely garden to be inspired.
Shiplap & Shells garden is in full bloom and there is so much to see!
New Ebook For Fall!
I’ve just released a 20-page Fall Ebook exclusively for my email subscribers. Get the instant download below.
Have a wonderful week!! I’ll be bringing you new Fall decorating and DIY ideas this week so stay tuned or to make it easy sign up for my insider emails so they are delivered right to your inbox.
xo, Jennifer