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  1. Leslie Watkins says:

    Beautiful!! I almost missed my window of harvesting them this year!

  2. Kathy Munday says:

    Oh Jenn
    Your hydrangeas are fabulous !!! This has been a very bad year for them on Cape Cod due to a single deep freeze during the winter killing all the buds. There even is a home here referred to as the “hydrangea house “ that got nearly no blooms on their magazine photo shoots in previous years. The only ones that bloomed were white conical shaped. I got ONE pink blossom from dozens of plants. I certainly hope something good happens next year!! Meanwhile, I will enjoy drooling over yours!!!!!

  3. These are great ideas! I definitely need to dry some hydrangeas and try these ideas.

  4. Thank you SOOOOOOO much for the amazing tips!! I was trying to figure what I could do with my Hydrangeas because they have done so well this year and I have an abundance of them! Definitely needed ideas! Thank you again.. mine are white they’re going to be GORGEOUS but next I am hoping to get color out of them and am hoping for your advice there 🙏🏼? Step by step hopefully because I keep seeing that adding coffee grounds is part but when is never specifically stated… I’m curious if it’s before blooms or if before any greenage no specific directions. I love them so much.. so I do hope to hear back from you! Many thanks!!!

    1. If you have white hydrangea flowers, they may turn green or slightly pink as the blossoms age depending on the variety you have. If you don’t like the color or want to add another color or two, you can spray paint the blossoms when they are dry. I’ve used an antique white, apple green, and a rosey pink all with good results…and many times all 3 on the same blossom! 😊

      1. Jennifer Howard says:

        That is such a clever idea Chris!!! Cheryl, the coffee grounds make your soil more acidic and that gets the bright blue hydrangea flowers but if you have a white variety it won’t work. But I love the white ones, in fact there is a house down the street from me with a huge row of white ones and I would love to stop and ask if I can cut some but I’m afraid she would think I was nuts!!

  5. Nan, Odessa, DE says:

    Can I dry stalks of hydrangeas from the grocery? They are in water not dirt.
    Help, I want to have dried hydrangeas. Thanks!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Nan, I think the petals are too fresh to dry and will just shrivel up. You need to wait until the petals start to turn papery for it to work.

  6. Kathy Munday says:

    Your zinnias are spectacular!! We had a ton of hydrangeas this year but sadly the constant sun and brutal heat burned them within a week. Not just limp or dried out but dark brown burn!!! 🙁.. there may be a few blooms on the underpart of the shrubs so I’m making it a point to clip them now and dry them!!! Thank you for the beautiful ideas!!!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      That stinks Kathy!! I’m having a horrible year this year too…I have maybe 5 blossoms on my entire row of shrubs!! Thank goodness I had an amazing year last year and still have a basket down in my studio I can use this Fall.

  7. Angie Sumpter says:

    I’ve never tried drying my hydrangea blooms. Thank you for the post. Will it affect my shrub’s blooms next year?

    Best regards,

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I’ve never had an issue. I have Endless Summer hydrangeas and cut some of the blooms at the end of every season.