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  1. Great post, Jennifer! You have so many wonderful tips for budget-minded gardening and more! I’m sharing you in my Seven on Saturday post this weekend!

  2. Hi Jennifer –
    You are a gardener after my own heart. I love all of your gardening tips and tricks for saving money. I have never tried using grass clippings as mulch. I’m going to start! Thanks so much for being a part of the Fab Friday Blog Hop!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      If it’s free it’s for me…yes, my husband would dump them for me after he mows.Thanks for having me!

  3. Great thrifty tips, Jennifer! I need to get the compost pile going; just haven’t figured out where yet. Bought a bunch of seeds today; hoping to get some planted this weekend!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      It’s a nice thing to have. I’m lucky that we have partially cleared woods behind our house so it’s out of the way.

  4. Hi Jennifer. I loved this post because – I agree- gardening can be really expensive. Like you, last year I had great luck with direct sown seeds. Cosmos, Zinnias and Sunflowers all grew like crazy. Thanks for the tips and ideas. Thank you also for including me on your Fabulous Friday Blog Hop. I feel honored.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I love direct sowing seeds, I didn’t even start any indoors this year and am going to just planting seeds to see the difference.

  5. Your garden looks beautiful Jennifer, and all of your tips for saving money in the garden are fabulous. It sure can be expensive, so I appreciate any money I can save.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I guess we could have worse hobbies than gardening!!

  6. Hi Jennifer! I enjoyed this post so much! Every year I say I want to start a garden and then I never follow through. I do have plants in flower pots though, so that’s a start! You have so many great budget-friendly tips for beginners, I am going to pin this for future reference! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Flowers in pots work too!!

  7. Wow Jennifer, thank you for all of your tips and tricks! I gave up a long time ago on gardening, but since you suggested so many budget friendly tips, I may try again. I never thought to join a group and exchange plants. I need to work on my craft before I jump into anything like that so I have something to offer.

  8. Kathy Munday says:

    Wonderful tips Jennifer. There is nothing more exciting than seeing the “fruits of your labor”, literally!!!! Seeing green rise up from the brown earth is rewarding and refreshing. Happy Spring!!!!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I know! I’ve been working outside almost non-stop the past week working in the gardens, but it’s so nice to be outside and not at my computer for a change!

  9. Jennifer these are all great tips! The online gardening community is amazing! I have been able to get so many plants from my local facebook group like hydrangeas, hostas and phlox.
    And you could do a whole post on composting alone!!! Loved this post my friend, you are a wealth of knowledge.

  10. So many great tips and information! Thanks for sharing. I agree that starting from seeds is the way to go. I would never be able to afford all the flowers for my garden if I bought them already partly grown. I haven’t had much success at composting yet but that is because my husband is not a fan. Maybe one day I will sneak a composter in and hide it lol!

  11. All great tips!!! Your garden is always so bright and colorful. Good to know you created it on the thrifty side.