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  1. What a fantastic idea! I love how easy and quick this method is for preserving flowers. Can’t wait to try it out with blooms from my garden! Thank you for sharing this simple technique!

  2. You are so clever! I can’t wait to try this with some of our flowers. Can you come help me? ha!

  3. I never knew that flowers could be pressed in the microwave. Thanks for the idea 🙂

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      It’s crazy, right!!

  4. Such a fun project!! Big Al will think I’m nuts when I start microwaving flowers! 😂

  5. Absolutely beautiful and now I want to microwave every little flower I see lol. I mean it’s just so versatile. We might be selling our home soon so I’m thinking of going out to get a few flowers for a memory frame. Smart idea to use RIT, too!!

  6. Jennifer- this is such a clever idea! I never realized a microwave could be used for this…so clever. And I love how you displayed them all…so pretty! xoxo, kristi

  7. Jennifer – this looks beautiful! My method is pretty much the same as your! I love how you left some of the stems attached. I’ll need to try that next time.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I will definitely do it again with other flowers…this was my test run to see if it really worked. I can’t wait to see yours!!

    2. I’m trying thus with my Violas. They’re at peak so I know it’s the best time to make this project

  8. What a fun project idea! It turned out so pretty!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      You have to try it with some of your flowers! They would look so pretty framed in your house.

  9. What a great project! I had no idea you could dry flowers in the microwave!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I know, I thought it was so cool!!

      1. Do the flowers have to be kind of crispy.
        Or after taking them out of the microwave, do you let them sit out for a while?

        1. Hi Jill, no they don’t have to get crispy but you will be able to tell when they go from fresh to dried. They will dry out even more if you leave them out for a little while.