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  1. Kathy Munday says:

    Thanks for the tour Jenn! Fun finds and great ideas!!! And I didn’t have to leave my couch……. But I just might make a trip north just because!

  2. Loved the York antique store pictures. I’m from the south and got to go there last fall on vacation. It was wonderful. Your pictures took me back. Thanks. Here at home there are few antiques and mostly vintage. I really wanted to shop in an antique store in NE and picked this one. It was worth the trip.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Oh, I love that story, Diane! That was a good one to pick, I love the town of York.

  3. Thanks for the antiques store tour…I loooove the French cabinet! Unfortunately it’s out of my price range by about $11,855. The photo is a great inspiration though as I paint furniture and am always looking at wear patterns to mimic. Looking forward to seeing your dupe of the shipwreck pot- I wonder if paperclay run through a garlic press would give a semblance of the growth on the pot?

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Melissa that is an amazing idea!!!! I think I have an old playdoh press around here somewhere too!! I’ve been looking for a vase at the thrift stores to use so hopefully one turns up soon.

  4. Jan Hebert says:

    We’ve driven by the York Antiques Gallery but have never stopped in, looks like an awesome shop. I wondered if you would try to dupe that vase from the shipwreck! I was thinking that curly stuff looked a lot like spanish moss – maybe covered with gesso? I know you’ll do a great job whatever you use. I loved the French cupboard, what a beautiful piece. And the milk bottles from Nepal! Just beautiful, so nice to bring one of those home! Hope you didn’t get too much snow from this last storm, we’ve got 5″ or so. The weather people said to expect and inch! Jan in MA

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Jan, I just came back in from shoveling. We only got about 3 inches but it was heavy and kept getting jammed in the snowblower for my son. Oh Jan, I have to go back and visit that cupboard and get more pictures of the paint because I would love to do a color match and have some paint made. I’ve been thinking about that shipwreck vase all week!! First I have to find a cheap vase that has that shape and I might try embroidery thread. If you are ever up that way stop in, even my husband liked it & didn’t complain!!

  5. What a wonderful place to go antiquing and thrifting. The blue cabinet took my breath away! I’m always inspired by how you display your beautiful finds, Jennifer.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I know Kim!! I have to go visit it again and get a better picture of the color.

  6. Wow Jennifer don’t you love York Antiques Center? It’s so inspiring and we’re so lucky it’s just down the road from our home. I’ve found some amazing deals there too like my sailboat curtains🙌🏻

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      It was fun Ann and Chuck didn’t even complain about how long we were in there!!! So many interesting pieces and I loved how one thing you picked up was $300 next to something that was $25…it was like a game guessing how much it would be.

  7. So many fun things. That blue cabinet is amazing! Crazy price though.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Oh Renae, it was so beautiful but I guess that’s the price you pay for something in such good condition that’s 300 years old.

  8. My husband and I have spent many hours in the York Antique Gallery along with leaving a considerable amount of money there. It truly is one of the BEST in Maine. It has that museum quality to it. Enjoyed visiting the gallery again with all of your photographs. Thank you Jennifer.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Even my husband didn’t pull the “I’ll be in the car, take your time” number!! It’s funny how it’s set up too, you can pick up a piece and it’s $30, and next to it is something for $400! I’m still swooning over the blue French cabinet

  9. OK i’m loving the shop you visited – they have great stuff! How neat that it struck up memories from your childhood too. Love the picture frames and those vases!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      I have the wheels turning on how to dupe the shipwreck vase, just have to find the right thrift store vase.

  10. What an amazing place to poke around in; totally like a museum! But the prices-gah! Glad you were able to find a few fun things; they’ve got such great texture. And love how you displayed them!

  11. What a fun shop to explore! I’m sure it was fun to find memories from your childhood too! Always a pretty view, Jennifer!