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  1. I would like the information on some of the products – like your office chair , some of the kitchen items, etc . Thank you !

    1. Marley, under the photo of my office if you click on “my office setup” it will bring you to all the products that I have. Also under that there is a photo carousel with shoppable images (just click and it will bring you to the item). I love this office chair, the only con is that the back is low but I can sit cross-legged which is comfy when you are sitting at your desk for hours some days.

  2. I can see u really have worked hard on your Declutter email…you covered everything possible… very good email. I am naturally an organized person but even I have to declutter my stuff. My motto …messy bed ..messy head. So with that in mind..everything has a home in my home. I have a small house so that makes it a little bit easier because I dont like a cluttered house. I am always putting items away because if I dont I get piles of stuff and it magically accumulates😅 I love to thrift..oh so much fun but hard because I have to I really need it.. how many baskets, picture frames can one person!! So if I buy something, something has to go.. I really stick to that. It also helps when your hubby is a minimalist and very clean. He just doesnt understsnd ..that yes you have to decorate for each season, every holiday. The only one I really dont decorate for is St. Patty’s Day. I love your creativity and your style… oh I love your daffodill arrangement..I will keep that in mind for Spring..I do have a Pussy Willow brush and daffodills in my garden..cant wait. Yes I have sent u pics of my creations.. I could send u lots of pics of my creations but you are busy person and have lots of readers just like me that love yr blog.

    1. Hi Lorri!!! By January everything seems cluttered here. I think mainly becuase from Aug-Dec I’m working non-stop because Fall&Xmas are the busiest time of the year for bloggers. I love when you send me pictures, don’t stop!

  3. Jennifer,
    All of these tips and ideas are spot on. I need someone to make me throw away all the clutter. My workshop looks just as it did when you were here. However, I’ve been sick so that’s my excuse. LOL. I’m sharing tomorrow on DRA.

  4. Best declutterring post ever. It is doable.

    1. Thanks so much Patti!!! It was inspired by my own decluttering journey since after the holidays, so all those pics are from me acutally organizing this place and not stock images!!

  5. Such a great post! Big Al needs to read all your tips!! 😂

  6. It sounds so simple and “do-able” the way written this, and for the first time in a long time, I know I can do it, too! I like to think that rather than being a hoarder (not like those tv shows, thank god!), I am merely a collector of unique and wonderful things, get it?!!

    1. Well, the inspiration for this was me actually decluttering around here after the holidays!! The last photo was the back of our Jeep stuffed on one of my donation runs. I was ruthless this time with all of my sweaters, and this New England girl loves her sweaters…but 50 of them was crazy!!

  7. LOVE this post!! Jam packed with such helpful and useful info. I ALWAYS abide by the ‘one in one out rule’ because our house is so small but it truly works to keep clutter down. Great post!!

    1. Thanks!! Inspired by my own decluttering journey since after Xmas! I think my local thrift store is going to be half filled with stuff from my house!!