Today I’m sharing pictures of how I’ve updated my corner kitchen hutch over the past few years by changing the color of paint on it.
How I Used Paint To Update My China Hutch
Ok, confession…I love to paint! It’s the easiest way to take something you already have and breathe a new life into it, and the best part is that it only costs a few dollars and a little time. I have a corner hutch in my kitchen that belonged to the family that build this house and was left after they sold the house when their Mom passed. I love that it has always been part of the history of this house!
I have updated it a couple of times over the past couple of years already (I love to paint, remember!!) I first painted over the original dark walnut stain with a light aqua and used the hutch in my master bath first then moved it into my kitchen.
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Then last year I had the opportunity to collaborate with Graham & Brown and they sent me a gallon of their paint to try. It’s really the most luxurious paint I have ever used! I used it on my kitchen hutch and transformed it into a deeper blue with a black glaze.
Now that it’s Spring I was ready to update it again. I’ve been seeing dark green accent walls and paint shades everywhere and I just love them, and green is my favorite color anyway.
I found the perfect color to use: Sherwin Williams “Coriander and Olive”…sounds nice, doesn’t it? Since it’s a small piece of furniture I opted to buy 2 sample size jars at Lowe’s that came to just under $8.
This is a great tip if you are doing a smallish project or are trying to decide on a wall color; both Lowe’s and Home Depot sell sample-sized jars that they will mix to whatever shade you choose.
Before You Buy Try This! When I was deciding on paint colors for my living room and bedroom I put 1-foot square swatches on the walls and lived with them for a few days to see how they looked in all kinds of light-I ended up picking different shades than what my original favorites were on the paint chips. It’s worth the $4 investment before spending $40 on a gallon of paint and hating it!
The paint has nice, smooth coverage. I did use 2 coats to get a perfect finish. I didn’t use a top coat on my hutch because it doesn’t get much daily wear and I’m not worried about chipping.
Now, the fun part…decorating! I love how white looks next to the dark green so I went around and found all my white accessories.
I have a collection of spoons from my late grandmother that I love. The little spoons are all stamped on the handles with different events commemorating her graduation from nursing school, her 25th wedding anniversary trips abroad, and presidents ( of course JFK because everyone from Massachusetts adored him!). It’s a sweet remembrance of her.
I found the prettiest Magnolia stems at the Dollar Tree; I loved how they were so floppy and the material almost has a linen look and feel to it. You would never think they only cost a dollar! I added 3 stems to a little wire basket I had and I think it looks so simple and pretty.
I am so pleased with how my hutch turned out; the dark green looks so rich. Now, I’m on the Facebook marketplace hunt for a round kitchen table to refinish next!
The green paint really makes the green in my botanical prints stand out. My Botanical Gallery Wall is still one of my favorite features in my home
Here are a few newer pictures of the kitchen china hutch. I still really love the green color and have kept it since I painted it Coriander & Olive. The color just really works with my entire space!
And I did replace my rectangular dining table with a round one but I could never find one on Marketplace or in any of my local spots to refinish. I ended up buying this dining set from Walmart last year and LOVE it!! It wasn’t expensive at all and the table is so sturdy. My only complaint is that I’ve had to touch up the edges with one of the wood paint pens a few times.
Here’s my kitchen china hutch decorated for my New England Fall Home Tour. I used lots of traditional Fall colors to create a classic Fall look. The little pumpkins on the table settings were one of my favorite Fall projects.
shop my kitchen
The green shade worked so well for Christmas. I did a Classic Red & Green Theme for the holidays.
This week I just changed up the inside of the hutch with a few thrift store finds I found last weekend. Do you like thrifting? I found a bunch of good stuff!