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  1. Any dupes for the McGee and Co Charlot Hand-knotted rug?

  2. Looking
    A dupe
    For the Conway McGee rug?

  3. Any dupes for McGee &Co. Charlot hand knotted rug?

    1. Gina I just sent an email to you with a couple rugs. Let me know if you didn’t get it. It’s from my personal email address.

  4. Any dupes for McGee &Co. Charcot rug?

  5. Ashley Battarbee says:

    Do you have a good copycat for the McGee & Co Marta Hand-Knotted Wool rug?

  6. Kathy Munday says:

    Wow Jennifer
    These copy cat looks are brilliant!!!! This will be a very favorite project. I love finding deals and with you finding for me, I love them even more!! some folks want to pay for the “name”. I’m a whole lot more practical than that. This is going to be fun!! Thank You!!!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Thanks, Kathy!! You are right, some just want to pay for the name…even if I was a zillionaire I would still be bargain hunting!!

  7. Jan Hebert says:

    I find that your copycat items are even more appealing to me than the originals! So much fun to see what you can do if you just think outside the box. I’m in Topsfield, MA Jennifer, hope to run into you some time antiquing or thrifting! Jan in MA

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      That’s a great place to live!! I love that area and hit Todd Farm a couple of times a year. We are originally from Mass and moved to NH after we got married. My husband is from Saugus and I grew up in Haverhill.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Thanks Renae!!

  8. This is such a great post, Jennifer! You always do the best job, finding budget friendly options! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Thanks, Kimmy!!

  9. Perfect, Jennifer! You can get a gorgeous design look and play less. It pays to shop around. I love all of your selections.

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Thanks, Tammy!!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Aren’t they!!