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  1. Oh, girl, I love a good fix-it! This post is great and makes me want to check mine. I pull the dryer and give it a good vacuum before changing the dryer vent hose. I never thought of cleaning that gadget.

    1. The well water we have causes a ruckus in our faucets and toilets too! I was so icked out when I saw the filter!!

  2. Girl! My washer is taking forever to fill. Usually this is a job I task my husband with and it’s taking him forever to get around to it.
    We have a well too and our water is a mess so we have to do this at least once a season.
    You’ve encouraged me to try cleaning them out myself. I’ll let you know how I do!

    1. Jennifer Howard says:

      Jen- I’m the handy woman around here! I’ve fixed our washers and dryers multiple times over the years ( thanks to Google and YouTube!) and build everything that comes in a box…I need my boys & hubbie for the muscle to move things for me though.

      1. Thank you Jennifer! You saved me $200 that I could not afford to pay to a handyman!