make it yourself 

Spring Flower Centerpiece Ideas

Jennifer Howard | Cottage on Bunker Hill

Today I am going to show you a couple of pretty Spring centerpiece ideas using flowering bulbs.

Daffodil Basket

I found this straw basket at the thrift store. Home decor stores will have handled baskets now too.

01. Mini Daffodils

This small vase of mini daffodils was from Trader Joe's. Grocery stores & local nurseries will have pots of bulbs now too.

 I bent a few fresh pussywillow branches around the handle.

 The vase of daffodils fit perfectly in the basket!

Extra Detail:


Spring Touch

A few small speckled quail eggs and a feather plus a little Spanish moss finished this pretty Spring centerpiece.


Spring Basket

This thrift store find made the perfect centerpiece for this Spring table setting.

Pedastal Bowl Centerpiece

White ceramic footed bowl. 2 hyacyinth 2 primrose 1 white pansy pussywillow stems grapevine garland

 04. Pebbles for drainage

I added a handful of pebbles for drainage in the bottom of the bowl.

Add potting mix and then the flowers to the bowl.

To dress it up I popped in a few pussywillow stems and wrapped the bowl with grapevine garland.

Such a pretty centerpiece and will last longer than cut flowers.