make it yourself

How to Create a Hanging Jelly Fish Terrarium

Jennifer Howard | Cottage on Bunker Hill

Air plants are a beautiful and unique addition to any home. They are easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of conditions.  If you are looking for a cool idea try this DIY air plant terrarium.

01. Glass Cylinder

 Find a clear glass cylinder vase with a wide opening. This one is 9-in tall with a 6-in opening. Add sand to the bottom.

02.  Driftwood

To hang the air plant jellyfish use a piece of driftwood or even a stick. I drilled a hole and ran jute twine through.  No drill, just wrap twine around the driftwood.

Use an urchin shell with a hole in the top. Run jute twine through and knot on the inside.


Add Air Plant

Insert an air plant in the bottom of the shell. This one fits perfectly but a drop of glue can be used to secure in place.


 Urchin Jellyfish

It's ready to hang! Fill bottom of terrarium with shells and air plants.

 Click the link to learn how to care for air plants.